伊藤正一君が Pellas-Ryder Planetary Sciences Best Student Paper Award for 2003を受賞しました。
The winner of the Pellas-Ryder Planetary Sciences Best
Student Paper Award for 2003 is Shoichi Itoh for his paper,
“Contemporaneous formation of chondrules and refractory
inclusions in the early Solar System” by Shoichi Itoh and
Hisayoshi Yurimoto published in Nature 423, 728-731. The
award committee found that “the paper represents a significant
scientific discovery that has inspired a lot of debate. The
implications are profound. And, while the authors'
conclusions - that formation of chondrules and CAIs
overlapped in time and space - have not been universally
accepted, they are having a high impact in terms of directing
future research.” The Pellas-Ryder Planetary Sciences Best
Student Paper Award, which is jointly sponsored by the
Meteoritical Society and the Planetary Division of Geological
Society of America, is given to undergraduate or graduate
students who are first authors of a planetary science paper
published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The prize
includes a plaque, and a cash award of $500. Topics
considered for this award include asteroids, comets, craters,
interplanetary dust, interstellar medium, lunar samples,
meteors, meteorites, natural satellites, planets, tektites, origin
and history of the solar system. The first author must have
been a registered student at a degree awarding institution
when the paper was submitted. Papers published in 2004 will
be considered for the award next year.
(from SUPPLEMENT TO METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE, VOL. 39, 11, The Meteoritical Society Newsletter, November 2004)