Publications on 1995

  1. Hirata, T., Nesbitt, R. W. (1995) U-Pb Isotope Geochronology of Zircon:Evaluation of the Laser Probe-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Technique, Geochem. Cosmochim. Acta. 59, 2491-2500.

  2. 平田岳史(1995)ジルコンの年代測定のためのICP-MS改造計画、月刊 地球17, 196-202.

  3. 平田岳史(1995)ICP質量分析計による地球化学試料の分析、分担執筆、特集「最先 端分 析技術とその応用」、金属、アグネ出版センター.

  4. 丸山茂徳、平田岳史、平田大二(1995)改造型ICP質量分析計を使って何を読むか? 、月 刊 地球17, 187-195.角替敏昭,圦本尚義 (1995) SIMSによるジルコン年代の応用.月刊 地球17, 179-182.

  5. Inoue, T., Yurimoto, H. and Kudoh, Y. (1995) Hydrous modified spinel, Mg1.75SiH0.5O4: a new water reservoir in the mantle transition region. Geophy. Res. Lett. 22, 117-120.

  6. Nagasawa, H., Yurimoto, H. and Morioka, M. (1995) Hf-Zr interdiffusion in single crystal zircon II: determination by back-scattered electron image. Geochem. J. 29, 155-161.

  7. Tsunogae, T. and Yurimoto, H. (1995) Single zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Limpopo Belt by secondary mass spectrometry. Geochem. J. 29, 197-205.

  8. 圦本尚義 (1995) SIMSで探る太陽系の起源.日本学術振興会マイクロビームアナリシス第141委員会第84回研究資料No. 991, 14-19.

  9. Miyagi, I. and Yurimoto, H. (1995) Water content of melt inclusions in phenocrysts using secondary ion mass spectrometer. Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan 40, 349-355.

  10. Arai, S. and Yurimoto, H. (1995) Possible sub-arc origin of podiform chromites. The Island Arc 4, 104-111.

  11. Ohtani, E., Yurimoto, H., Segawa, T. and Kato, T. (1995) Element partitioning between MgSiO3 perovskite, magma, and molten iron: Constraints for the earliest process of the earth-moon system. in Earthユs Central part: Its structure and dynamics, ed. Yukutake, T., TERRAPUB, Tokyo, 287-300.
